Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sometimes the Most Beautiful Light Can Be Found in the Dark

The "Northern Lights," or "Aurora Borealis," are their most brilliant during the darkest, longest and coldest days.

"Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do.  But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength."  Unknown

We all have experienced trials and hardships of some type or other in our lives.  No one can move through this life without escaping it.  It is in these darkest of hours when we want to give up.  The shadows of midnight have tried to pull me into its hopelessness.  But thankfully I knew I was never alone. There is a power far beyond me that kept holding my hand to keep and protect me.  My spiritual beliefs in a God and his angels, along with my earthly loves lifted and guided me to a most glorious light.  I would not have seen this light had I never gone through these difficult learning experiences.  It has made me a stronger person. I have always been deeply sensitive to others, but the journeys I have taken have made me an even more empathetic soul. Remember, no matter how bad the circumstances may be that you are facing or believe them to be, know that you aren't alone and you can make it through the fogginess.  Keep going, never give up and soon you will see the light in the darkness.

I may fall from time to time as there will always be hills and valleys, but there is one thing for certain.  I will always be found standing.

"Don't you quit.  You keep walking, you keep trying, there is help and happiness ahead."  Jeffrey R. Holland.

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